Hughes Syndrome (Anti phospholipid syndrome, APS)

Here is a patient resource based article published in mammamia, essentially an overview of APS, by Belinda Jepsen that I was recently interviewed for.

Recurrent miscarriage is defined as the loss of 3 or more consecutive pregnancies, and about 1% of couples trying to conceive find themselves in this tragic situation. APS also predisposes women to a late miscarriage.

APS is diagnosed in 15% of patients with recurrent miscarriage, an accurate  diagnosis plus compliant treatment (using anticoagulants) can result in a successful birth rate of over 85% of such patients.

RCOG Greentop guideline on recurrent miscarriage details this well, There is likewise a patient information sheet available.

Also highlighting an educational website on Lupus and APS, called the Graham Hughes International Charity that serves as a good wholistic resource, covering the spectrum of symptoms and potential organ damage associated with this condition, especially the non pregnant context.


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